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1. โหลดแล้วดึงซิปออกไฟล์
2. เชื่อมกับบัญชี Twitch
3. ตั้งค่า Chibi
4. เพิ่มใน OBS
How to use Chibi Comme?
Try now for FREE
It's optimized for viewing on a PC screen.

Download, Unzip
After purchasing Chibi Comme,
please unzip the zip file.

Are you a multistream user?
If you'd like to read chats from
Twitch/Chzzk as well,
enter the channel ID above!
Modify the yellow areas to
set commands, cooldowns,
and usernames to ignore.

Drag to OBS
Drag the file 'widget.html'
to OBS source section.
Now you can see Chibi there!

Add scripts
Drag the file 'widget.html'
to OBS source section.
Now you can see Chibi there!

Add scripts
Click Tools - Scripts to add the file
add your youtube channel ID
(or handle name) ,
select your chibi browser source.
Membership only, private,
and unlisted streams
are not recognized.
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